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Free Dwarfs Triumphant

Since the Free Dwarfs of Bowland went to the Iberian Peninsula in April 2022 and held their own against the might of the Spanish , coming away with 2 wins , 2 Draws and Only one loss they then resolved to take part in more tournaments in the UK , Gone was the try to get as many factions played at tournaments as possible , mainly due to the Southern Fanatics that were battling for this award and we don't want to make them cry now do we ?

So the Free Dwarfs girded their , not insubstantial, loins and set off to play in every Tournament for the remainder of the 2022 Season.

The First of these was the excellent Northern Kings GT Held at Ossett in Deepest Yorkshire.

Tis amazing event had a field of 38 players including some of the Top Players in the Country and the Free Dwarfs were eager to test their mettle , The list I used was identical to that I took to the Madrid GT ( read the blog post if you need to refresh your memory or indeed read it for the first time , in fact while you are at it read them ALL again ;) ) and I was hoping for a fairly average performance.

My First Game was against the Basileans of Richard , he had been receiving helpful hints of how to beat the poor Brock Riders in the Pannithor Chat group and in preparation had drunk nothing but water the night before , whereas I , in true keeping as a BeerTroll made myself rather ill lol. Resulting in trying to sleep in the Venue bar and getting stuck in the back seat of the car !

The Day dawned and we set up on a rather nice "Industrial Landscape" table , Richard had a lot of fast moving stuff and some hard hitters , however with a bit of luck and the natural resilience of the Free Dwarf Brock troops we managed to over come the Righteous Basileans and score a Win.

Game two was against the effervescent Danny , he was using Forces of Nature but is a very able Free Dwarf general himself so it was with a large degree of trepidation we set forth to do battle. Again luck was on the side of the Free Dwarfs with a couple of daring charges paying off early in the game resulting in the loss of a couple of Danny's key units and by the time the Brock regiments got into combat it was already an uphill task for the FoN troops. a great game and another win for the Free Dwarfs.

This meteoric rise made for a guaranteed tough game and sure enough we were faced off against the Nightstalkers of the inestimable Jon , several games have been had against this gentleman over the years and I have never prevailed , needless to say , despite a hard fight the poor Brock Riders succumbed to the deadly Windblasts of the Nightstalkers and a loss occurred.

So Day one was over and the Free Dwarfs had acquitted themselves well with two wins and a loss so it looked like Mid table mediocrity was achievable.

Sunday dawned bright and waaay too early after another night of Beertrollic excess and this was made even more tough by the knowledge that we were to face the "Spare" Halfling army under the command of Tom , needless to say , playing the Army of the Rules Council member responsible for writing said army list being played by the current UK Master made for a modicum of dread. However by some miracle the Free Dwarfs managed to hold their own in a game of Push resulting in .........a Draw ! a shocking result indeed.

This led to Game 5 in which the Free Dwarfs of Bowland faced off against the Free Dwarfs of Matt - Matt is a more infantry based general with Ranger , Shieldbreakers and Earth Elementals as his main units , luckily the Brock Riders were able to use their massive speed advantage to pick their fights and coupled with a couple of unlucky combat rolls for Matt another Victory was achieved.

So to the infinite surprise of the Free Dwarfs , we came 9th out of 38 , an amazing result of which we were very proud , another tournament in which we didn't lose more games than we won !

Plus to cap it alloff I got amazing Fathers Day cards off my Grandaughter and her Dad !

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